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Pyroshock Test System is on Media!

Pyroshock Test System

The Pyroshock Test System, developed for the first time in Turkey by BİAS Mühendislik. It tests the effects of explosions of ammunition used in defense systems on devices and equipment.


Gani Göral who is Defense and Aviation Project Coordinator of BİAS Mühendislik told OSTİM Organized Industry Newspaper about the Pyroshock Test System.


Gani Göral stated that testing the effects of the shock resulting from the explosion on equipment and devices is a high level need in the defense industry; he pointed out that there was not any Pyroshock Test System in Turkey in the past and stated that “There had to be engineering knowledge from different disciplines about the system. This engineering information is available in BİAS Mühendislik. We have a very knowledgeable team in the field of vibration & shock. Together we designed this test system and validated the design with test data in the final product.”


Gani Göral on the Pyroshock Test System, which can perform tests and analyzes of shocks with an acceleration value of 5-10 thousand g in the test system; “In the test system, the equipment that we will shock and a table to which it is attached stand free from gravity. By striking a projectile suitable for the shock to be applied to the upper table with high air pressure, the desired shock effect is created on the upper table and the desired shock is applied to the tested equipment. The shock levels we mentioned have an acceleration value of 5-10 thousand g and are transmitted at the level of milliseconds. What type of equipment can be placed on this table? We have developed a test system that can be used in the testing and qualification of all kinds of equipment that will work with explosives, such as equipment used in fire command control systems, electro-optical equipment used in targeting and reconnaissance systems."

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