Calculated Composıte Materıal Modelıng Platform
Classical modeling methods are insufficient in terms of local material behavior, accurate evaluation of safety factors and ensuring design reliability.
Digimat performs composite material modeling with 100% reliability by ensuring that the composite material behavior is modeled locally and globally with the latest calculation methods in the literature. Thanks to correct modeling and accurate calculations, the product can be designed to be more competitive and less costly in the market.
With Digimat:
- The behavior towards various mixtures can be deduced virtually and different alternatives can be evaluated.
- By filling the gaps between Design-Analysis-Production, production effects can be evaluated in the design and analysis processes and even input into design.
- The time to market, cost and weight of industrial composite products can be minimized.
- Testing and prototyping costs can be reduced.

- Material behavior of composite materials by analytical methods
- It is mean-field homogenization software used to predict the nonlinear behavior of multi-phase composite materials.
- Detail designs of complex composite materials, testing different additives and shapes, and optimizing material behavior with finite element-based solution methods
- It is the software that enables the modeling of complex material microstructures as nonlinear finite elements in accordance with the Representetive Volume Element (RVE) theory.
- Storage of data for the designed materials
- Calculation of material data directly from test results by reverse engineering
- Material parameters with ready-to-use reference for various materials
- It is a special module that can perform the protection of private information with its material data encryption feature, as well as ensuring that Digimat material models can be securely transferred between editing (back engineering, identification), storage and material suppliers and end users.
- Transferring the created material models to MSC Software finite element solvers and other software without using any additional interface.
- MSC Software is an interface for transferring composite material and model information to Abaqus, LS-Dyna, Pam-Crash, Radioss, Samcef, Moldex 3D, Moldflow and Sigmasoft.
- Reflection of generative effects such as fiber orientation, draping, gaps to finite element models as they are.
Digimat HC
- Simulations of sandwich structures containing honeycomb
- An easy and efficient solution for the design of honeycomb parts.
Digimat AM
- Simulations to optimize the design and production processes of parts produced by additive manufacturing
Digimat RP
- Reflecting the productive effects of easy-to-use reinforced plastic parts to analysis models, simulating and optimizing the process and performing finite element simulations
- An easy and efficient solution for the design of fiber reinforced plastic parts.
Digimat VA
- Performing virtual coupon tests within ASTM standards